With the list of food sensitivities and allergies growing longer and more involved, planning a menu can be a bit daunting. So what is a bride to do? A couple of ideas might make it a little less stressful:
With very large events, you will never be able to accommodate everyone, so just focus on the most inner circle of family and friends(I often say up to 30 people) and address their dietary needs if something needs to be avoided.
Post a menu. Whether you have menu cards at each place setting or one large, beautifully calligraphied and framed menu in your pre-function area, the ability for guest to see what they will be served is a great way to let them ask questions or make choices about what they can't have.
Nut allergies are the most prevalent and danerous, so if you have any concerns, just eliminate them completely from your event.
And a note to guests, speak up, ask questions, be sure to let the facility know if something is dangerous for you to ingest. Mention it even if you think it unlikely it is present. Forwarned is forearmed.
To all of us attending an event, if something can make you ill or worse, then for goodness sake, don't eat that!