Thursday night, as part of my long birthday celebration, I listened to CeU's sultry Brazilian voice with 2 aunts, an uncle, a cousin and his girlfriend. The music was amazing-I've been listening to her CD's non-stop ever since. The food was fabulous. Veal chops, salmon, an innovative scallop ceviche. I'm hungry just remembering. I scraped my plate clean.
I did, however, critique the desserts. They didn't match the phenomenal first and second courses. Rude, do you think? My feeling is, if it isn't right, it can't be fixed if the chef doesn't know.
I complimented the things I thought were wonderful and pointed out where I thought there could be improvement. As a Pastry Chef who used to create desserts for all kinds of menus, I know there is nothing more frustrating than an item that won't sell or a plate that comes back uneaten with no explanation.
Good food, excellent company, and an amazing voice. It was a great birthday evening.