Thursday, March 19, 2009

Signs of Spring

There are a variety of signs besides the calendar to tell us spring has arrived. My childhood memories are nostalgic and bring a smile. The adult acknowledgements of the season share as much room for a smile as they do a grimace.
Let's compare.

My childhood: The corner Dairy Queen opens for the season.
As as adult: I make a tax appointment.

My childhood: Easter break was often spent with my maternal grandparents in Arizona.
As an adult:I consider the impact of pot holes on my wedding cake deliveries.

My childhood: Grandma Stella and I always had Crocus from the garden on our shared birthday cake.
As as adult: You can never stay ahead of the muddy paw prints.

My childhood: Bridgeman's offered fresh peach ice cream for a few short weeks.

That's a great place to end. Happy Spring!

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